Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Body Talk

I love my body.

I have insecurities about my body, as most women and men do. I have a pooch, and no matter how much weight I lose, no matter how much I run or how many ab workouts I do, and no matter how many times I tell myself it's normal as a woman to have a little pooch,  I will always have that pooch and I will always be a little self-conscious about it. I have cellulite on my legs, which bothers me because I have muscular legs but I feel like the cellulite distracts from the muscles, so my legs don't look as nice as I think they could. But these insecurities are stupid, and vain, and most of the time I don't even care about them. Most of the time I really, really love my body.

I love what my body can do. I love that I can run 6 miles at a time and feel great. I love that I can hike big mountains like a champ. I love that I did a 500-mile pilgrimage, sometimes walking 30 miles a day, and my body didn't quit on me. I love that I can do push-ups and burpees and mountain climbers and squats and get really sore but feel so good. I love how my body repairs itself and how I continue to do amazing things with it.

I love how my body moves. Dancing is one of my favorite things to do, especially naked dancing, especially naked dancing in the mirror, because I can see how my body looks and how it moves. I love the curves and I love making the curves curve.

When I eat good food, I like to think about that food breaking down and providing me with the strength and nutrients I need to have a healthy-functioning body. In my imagination, every fruit, vegetable, grain, and piece of chocolate is a character playing a role in how my body will function. I like knowing what I put into my mouth will do good things to my body.

I want everyone to see my body. Not because I want to seduce them and not because I think its the greatest body in the world, but because I love it, and I'm proud of it, and it's the only thing I have.

Its weird, I know, but I can't help it. I love my body.

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