Thursday, December 29, 2016


Everyone is talking about what a shit year 2016 was.

It wasn't for me.

I mean, my father passed away, which is hard.

Trump got elected president, which is hard. There is a fight ahead, one I am so ready to fight.

But other than those things, 2016 was good to me.

I was able to see so many countries and meet so many people and learn so much about myself.

I love myself more than ever. I am at peace with myself more than ever.

My dad's passing caused me to see how much like him I really am, and how happy I am to be like him. He was an amazing man loved by so many people. How could it be a bad thing to be like him?

I have learned that it is important to keep good people in my life, and not fret about the rest. I love people so much, but some people are not good for me. Life is short. I want to be with people who love me and appreciate me and help me to be better. Though I still value everyone, I've decided that if someone is draining me or hurting me, I don't have to keep trying with them. Perhaps that is harsh, but I am at peace with this realization.

I love my family so much my heart can't handle it sometimes.

My mother is amazing.

People are good. They really are.

I learned what love is, or at least what I would like it to be. My best good special friend Adriaan, who I met over a year ago (crazy), still keeps in contact with me. We talk everyday. We trust each other, support each other, are honest with each other, share everything with each other. I've never been so comfortable around another human being. It is a beautiful thing. We are not meant to be together, I don't think, but I am so happy I met him and experienced the comfort I have with him. That is what I want. I want to be totally comfortable with someone. That, to me, is love. Perhaps I will find that with someone who lives closer to me someday.

The world is a lovely place. I have more to explore.

Yes, many people died, got sick, tragedies happened, but 2016 was a damn good year, in my opinion. One for the books.

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